10 April 2014

Pregnancy Pictures

One thing I meant to do (but wasn't very good at) was to take pictures each week of my pregnancy.  I did take a bunch of pictures and decided to put them all together for you to see how everything progressed!

Her first onesie! (Also what she wore home from the hospital!) July 7, 2013, 6 weeks

First trip to the museum! July 12, 2013, 7 weeks

First picture! July 19, 2013, 8 weeks

Raising her hand! August 20, 2013, 12 weeks

First week of school! August 22, 2013, 12.5 weeks

First sign of a bump! September 11, 2013, 15.5 weeks

First Aggie game!!! September 14, 2013, 16 weeks

September 27, 2013, 18 weeks

Excited to find out the sex! October 11, 2013, 20 weeks

It's a girl!!! October 11, 2013, 20 weeks

Excuse the messy hair! October 29, 2013, 22.5 weeks

November 2, 2013, 23 weeks

November 12, 2013, 24.5 weeks

November 23, 2013, 26 weeks

3rd Trimester! December 4, 2013, 27.5 weeks 

January 13, 2014, 33 weeks

January 22, 2014, 34.5 weeks

My 23rd Birthday! February 12, 2014, 37.5 weeks 

February 23, 2014, 39 weeks 

Due Date! March 2, 2014, 40 weeks!

Little Bird's Birthday! March 4, 2014

Maybe I'll actually take a weekly picture for the next one... For now, I'm working on a monthly picture of Little Bird. 

1 comment:

  1. They are all beautiful! Congratulations!!!! She is absolutely perfect! Praying for your amazing family! :)
