01 April 2014

Centerpieces, Complete!

(This post was written over a year ago and I forgot to post it! I'm sorry!)

Hello blog world!!!

I'm so sorry I've been neglecting you! I promise to do my best to be a better blogger now that I'm done with student teaching! (Yes, you read that right. I am done with everything I need to do for college!!!!!! )

So, on Sunday I took the huge mess of things that I have been accumulating over last year to make my center pieces, spread it all over Ryan's table and got to work!

First, I moved it from its previous location to the table.

See everything all over the place!

Then I took everything out so I could actually see what all I had. 

That's a ton of stuff!!!

I counted and it turns out that I have the perfect amount of stuff for 20 center pieces!!! We probably won't need that many, but you never know! (160 guests would be about 20 tables.)  If we do need more, I can pick up a few more things in the few weeks before the wedding, so no big.

Now, I'm sure you're wondering, "Maddie, where did you get all of this stuff!" Well I'm glad you asked! For the last year or so I've been parousing the stores for items that fit my theme.  As you know, I bought a bunch at hobby lobby last summer when I was figuring out what to do for center pieces, and I've been back there many times since.  (Every other week their glass is half off, so the candle holders are pretty cheap then.) I've also gotten some from Jo-Ann's (found some there for 10 cents!), Michael's, and Dollar Tree.  My mom found me some at thrift stores (lead crystal no less!) and my older sister had a bunch she didn't want.  Also, after Christmas, I got several items in the Christmas sales that didn't look winter/Christmas like at all! (Some tea light holders for 90% off at Target!)

So, the big question, how much did all of this cost? I honestly have no idea! Because I spread the shopping out so much, I did a really bad job of keeping track of what I spent when.  Best guesstimate, 300-400$ tops.  That sounds like a lot, but really, it's not! Even doing a simple floral arrangement was going to cost me $50 per table.  I think I made out like a bandit! 

Other than just seeing what all I had, there was another purpose to spreading all of these items out.  You see, I'm a little bit of a control freak. (SHOCK!) I have recently found out that if an event gets scheduled at the reception hall the day before my wedding, my groomsmen will have to put the center pieces together that morning.  I will be busy getting all prettied up and can't be there!!! (Hopefully this isn't the case, but I am preparing for the worst!) I cannot possibly send them with the instructions to out three pieces on each table and hope it looks good! I wanted to set the pairings since all the the center pieces will be different, so that's what I did.  I set up all of the centerpieces and took pictures of them.  This way, all they have to do it to match the items in the picture.  I also contained the mess a bit so that it is only in 4 boxes now rather than a million bags. 

Labeled with its table number, no less!

Another OCD thing I did was to put the correct amount of flower petals, etc, to sprinkle on each table in seperate ziplocks.  (And yes, I counted them all out.) It took a bit of time, but it should mean that everything the guys would need to put together center pieces is already sorted! Even they can't mess that up, right?

Well, here's to hoping no one rents the place the night before!!!

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