23 June 2011

Shabby Mirror

When I was back home recently my dad asked my little sister and I to go through some of our old stuff to make sure he was good to give the boxes to Good Will.  In one of the boxes, my sister found this adorable little mirror from her Hannah Montana phase that was broken!

This is cute right?

There were two problems with the mirror: 

1) It was broken, as in the staples holding the mirror and backing in the frame had been stripped out and so they kept falling out

2) While the frame was purple with white polka dots, there were also what I assume to be camera flashes/spotlights in there

Maybe its just supposed to look like jewels sparkling?

Well neither of these seemed unsolvable and my sister didn't want the mirror anymore so I took it with me and the other night decided to revamp it to fit into my shabby chic living room next year! 

First: I took the mirror apart (not hard considering it was falling apart anyway)

Then I pulled out the color I wanted to paint the frame - I had recently found some paint samples at WalMart marked down to .50 each so I grabbed one of those for my frame.

Its called Classic Key Lime (Light Yellow)

After I put the first layer of paint on my frame, I set it aside to dry and pulled off the purple ribbon that had been used to hang the mirror.  I took some teal ribbon I had in my apartment, measured against the old ribbon, and hot glued it on!

It has a new ribbon!

I got a little surprise in taking off the old ribbon, there were four little beads on it that I thought were purple and was planning on throwing in my misc supplies drawer for use at a later date, but when I took them off they were blue! I put them on the new ribbon and they looked super cute!

 How adorable!

Then I did another layer of paint (not too perfect because I did want it a bit "shabby"), let it dry and used my hot glue gun to hold the whole thing together!


Beautiful new mirror on the wall!

The best part: because I already had the paint and ribbon, this project didn't cost me anything!!!

What do you think? Have you ever taken something broken/old and redone it to make it work in a new room?

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